This week our task involved using what we learned last week about classification methods, then choosing an appropriate classification for each of three maps of Europe to show population density, males as a percentage of the population, and females as a percentage of the population. We then added data on wine consumption per capita.
This was done in ArcMap. After creating three data frames and adding the European Population data provided in the lab, I selected the appropriate Field Value, chose "Graduated Colors", and made layers for the assigned map topics. Each had to be classified, and an appropriate scheme had to be chosen.
Sequential color ramps in red and green classify male and female population percentages into 5 classes. The contrasting colors work well next to each other, and 5 classes make the variation of color within the ramp easy to interpret. I chose a grey color ramp for the population density, and created 6 classes - the dark tones really stand out, which becomes even more important when the Wine Consumption symbols were added. Proportional symbols were best suited to showing wine consumption per capita, creating an overall visual pattern that is easy to interpret.
Although I didn't have time to experiment with it this time, I look forward to making some customized color ramps sometime thanks to some tips from Lucas.