Thursday, April 30, 2015

Final Project: Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line

For the past few weeks we have been using everything we've learned to create a PowerPoint presentation showcasing maps made with our new skills.  In this project, we were to present the best option for a corridor linking two electric substations with a new transmission line.  The study area included wetlands, conservation lands, and populated areas which needed to be taken into account.  Keeping costs low was another factor.

To begin, we created a model of the process we planned to follow to gather and analyze the data; it included possible GIS tools and methods that could be used.  Next we created maps based on criteria selected during the public input process.  Using GIS processes, the proximity of houses, schools and daycares was investigated.  Wetlands and conservation lands were identified so the impact of the transmission corridor could be minimized on these sensitive environmental areas.  Last, the length of the route was calculated.

Once the map were created, they were included in a Powerpoint presentation of the kind that would be given to a prospective employer.  Here is a link to the presentation and to the slide-by-slide report.



This was an extremely challenging  process, but one that felt, and probably was at least in part, realistic. What is presented here is my best effort, a good start.

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