Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Final Project


In our final project for this course we prepared a map for use in a newspaper article about high school seniors and college entrance scores. Two sets of data had to be presented on one map: test participation rates and average scores.

After preparing a basemap showing the United States and projecting it to an Albers Equal Area projection, since the statistics related to area, the data was tabulated in Excel. Then choices had to be made about how to present set of statistics. 

The data showing the percent of graduates tested by state is reflected by graduated symbols in 5 classes using the Natural Breaks classification method. The graduated symbols easily convey the differences visually, and 5 classes allows for a reasonable amount of variation per class. Average scores were displayed using a sequential color scheme, also with 5 classes using Natural Breaks classification. The graduated colors allow patterns to be easily discerned, and the classification method considers the distribution of data along the number line. Grouping similar data values together was desirable.
Although I am quite pleased with the results, I wish I had time to tweak a few more things.  However, yesterday I turned on my 4-month-old computer and found a blue screen.  It will be a week before it is fixed, or for a new computer to arrive. Here is what I could do with my son's laptop, with its tiny screen and missing "s" key.

This has been a fun, interesting, and challenging course.  I look forward to putting what I have learned to use, and to practicing the skills I have learned so far.  Clearly, we have just scratched the surface of what is possible.  Thank you, teachers and fellow classmates!

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